In the presence and under the patronage of

H.E. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahyan

Cabinet Member and Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence


MENA Congress for Rare Diseases






CME hours


Beach Rotana
Abu Dhabi, UAE

16 - 19 May 2024

Ms. Sharron Meadows

I look forward to contributing towards the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases which will raise awareness of rare diseases on a global platform. It will provide shared knowledge amongst healthcare professionals who work with children and families who have a rare disease. As a neuromuscular nurse specialist, I am committed to improving the lives of children living with a neuromuscular condition in New Zealand. I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and experiences of working in this challenging field of nursing.

Dr. Khawla Al Shehhi

I am honored to be a speaker at the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. Rare diseases have an impact not only on the patient but on the entire family. The success of campaigns in raising awareness and transforming attitudes towards Duchenne is essential for informing caregivers, organization of services, and overcoming barriers associated with Duchenne. Better support through raising awareness could lead to research and support services for Duchenne patients and their families.

Dr. Mohamed Babiker

Knowledge and wisdom stemming from innovative research requires platforms such as this conference where improving the lives of those affected by rare diseases is the utmost goal of every participant. Prestigious scientific events like this one, whereby new horizons are explored, real-life experiences are shared and networks are established and expanded, is therefore eagerly welcomed.

Prof. Maha Zaki

It is of my distinctive pleasure to be a part of the outstanding meeting of Rare Diseases in the MENA region. One of the Charitable aims of this meeting is to promote health and quality of life for patients suffering of Rare Diseases especially in our MENA region. The main goal of this unique meeting is bringing together best professionals to develop a comprehensive educational impact for physicians, healthcare providers and families, spread awareness that will facilitate diagnosis and management, propagate science, share experiences, collaborate and discuss the recent advances for different themes concerning Rare Diseases.

Prof. Gong Mengchun

For the advancement of coordinated research and clinical care for rare disease patients, regional collaboration is a highly effective and productive approach. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Congress for Rare Diseases serves as a pivotal platform in this region to foster alliances and cooperation for the improved care of rare diseases. With China bearing a substantial disease burden of rare disorders, affecting an estimated population of over 20 million, the country has implemented a comprehensive national strategy to systematically address this challenge. China has made significant strides in diagnostic and therapeutic technology innovation, patient advocacy, basic research, policy-making, and social welfare. I am honored to have the opportunity to share these experiences with a global audience and trust that these insights will bring valuable benefits to countries in the Middle East and beyond.

Ms. Shooq Alameri

As a parent of a child with Angelman syndrome, I understand the struggles and challenges that come with navigating the journey of finding treatments and obtaining a proper diagnosis. It took a significant amount of time for us to adjust to this reality. However, through perseverance and the support of organizations like yours, we have been able to find hope and valuable resources. Attending the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases will be instrumental in our journey. It will provide us with the opportunity to gain knowledge about the latest advancements in the field, connect with other families facing similar challenges, and find support within a community that understands our unique experiences. The congress will truly become a beacon of hope for us, and I am excited to share this enthusiasm with others. By sharing my story and experiences at the congress, I hope to inspire and encourage delegates to attend. Together, we can create a stronger network of support, raise awareness, and advocate for improved treatments and resources for rare diseases.

Prof. Haleama Al Sabbah

Excited to be a part of the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. Join me at this extraordinary event, where I will be sharing groundbreaking insights and experiences in the field. Let's come together to advance our knowledge, foster collaboration, and make a lasting impact on rare disease research and treatment. Don't miss the opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to positive change in our community. Join us in this transformative journey!

Dr. Khedidja Hedna

MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is a unique scientific event in the region, offering exclusive access to the latest insights from renowned experts and patients, providing a platform to exchange invaluable perspectives. I eagerly anticipate sharing our family's journey following my daughter's diagnosis of a rare neuromuscular condition. Transitioning from the role of doctor to that of a mother, I aim to raise awareness about the crucial significance of a holistic approach to patient care, emphasizing patient-centeredness, and highlighting the pivotal role of mental health in supporting both the child and the entire family.

Dr. Joanne Sadier

I have the privilege to be speaking at the MENA Congress of Rare Diseases, an event of immense importance that gathers experts and stakeholders dedicated to addressing the unique challenges presented by rare diseases. This congress provides a crucial platform for fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and bringing together diverse perspectives, from healthcare professionals and researchers to patient advocates and policymakers, all working towards a common goal of improving the quality of life to those affected of rare diseases. My speech will delve into the diagnostic complexities that healthcare professionals encounter, emphasizing the significance of early and accurate diagnosis for improved outcomes. Furthermore, I'll shed light on the current research landscape, treatment options, patient advocacy, regulatory frameworks, and global collaboration in the context of rare diseases.

Prof. Huma Cheema

Our region has a high burden of rare and genetic disorders. Despite more awareness there is still a prohibitive time line to diagnosis and management for most families. Scientific meetings, like MENA Congress for Rare Diseases, are pivotal in raising awareness, sharing regional data, networking with experts in rare diseases and engaging with all stakeholders. It is also important to develop our regional registries and the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases gives us a platform for getting everyone on board. The new era of understanding and treating diseases since the advent of next generation sequencing and gene therapy makes such events extremely important.

Mr. Svein Olaf Olsen

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases will be a testimony to the region’s interest in developing state of the art care, quality diagnosis, and dedicated infrastructure to assist those who suffer from rare diseases. The International Huntington Association completely resonates with the Congress’ program, and we encourage all of the community to participate in this meeting, as it will be an event that will showcase the best that the MENA Region has to offer.

Prof. Khaled Musallam

I am honored to be part of the the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. Knowledge sharing through such dedicated platforms is essential in rare diseases, to realize state of the art advances in diagnosis and management through evolving evidence and expert opinion. The journey from bench, to bedside, to the community is fueled by collaboration between different stakeholders involved in the care and research of rare diseases.

Dr. Zainab Al-Sulaitti

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases aims to advance knowledge, foster collaborations, and champion the cause of those affected by rare diseases in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Mrs. Amanda Moore

The Angelman Syndrome Foundation is delighted to take part in the forthcoming MENA Congress for Rare Diseases, a pivotal event that holds immense significance in the realm of rare diseases. This gathering brings together a diverse array of stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, researchers, advocates, patients, and policymakers, all dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of rare diseases in the MENA region. We are honored to take part in this transformative journey, fostering connections, sparking innovation, and driving progress in the field of rare diseases.

Dr. Rania Al Dweik

Excited to announce my role as both a speaker and moderator for an upcoming panel session at the MENA Congress for Rare Disease. Our discussion will focus on the "Challenges in Availability of Rare Disease Medications." As we navigate the complexities of rare diseases, I look forward to sharing insights, facilitating discussions, and collaborating with experts in the field. Together, let's address the crucial issues surrounding access to medications and work towards better solutions for those affected by rare diseases. Honored to be part of this impactful event.

Ms. Laura Paquette

This year’s MENA Congress for Rare Diseases meeting will serve as host to the largest group of UAE-based genetic counselor speakers and panelists to date to be provided a platform to share valuable insights in this important field.

Prof. Mohammed Alsbou

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is a big event which provides a great opportunity for healthcare professionals, patients, and their families to raise awareness, and to share the most updated knowledge about rare diseases. This meeting is an important platform to provide support to individuals and parents with rare genetic diseases and to share experience, learn, and network with experts in the field from all over the world.

Dr. Shola Faniran

It is an honor to be part of the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. The first step in tackling a disease is education. This conference creates a unique opportunity for clinicians working with children and families with rare diseases to come together and build on their individual wealth of knowledge by sharing with one another. As the name implies, there is limited information on rare diseases which puts families in a conundrum on how to best support their children. Attendance at this conference will give clinicians, stakeholders, researchers and families with loved ones with rare diseases up to date tools and information on how to tackle these challenges. Looking forward to seeing you all at what promises to be an exciting conference.

Ms. Maria Antonela Axinte

It is my honor and privilege to welcome you all to the inaugural MENA Association for Genetic Counselor Annual Meeting 2024. I am thrilled to see so many dedicated professionals come together to share knowledge, insights, and experiences in the field of genetic counseling for the first time ever in the MENA region. Our field is at a pivotal moment, with advancements in genetic testing, personalized medicine, and genomic research opening up new possibilities for patient care. This meeting provides us with a unique opportunity to explore these developments, exchange ideas, and collaborate on ways to further enhance our practice in this region.

Mrs. Areen Abuhejleh

In 2023, Special Olympics UAE had the opportunity to conduct Unified Healthcare training at the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. This occasion gave us the privilege to train a total 40 medical staff from different healthcare providers across the UAE. I invite all patient interfacing staff to attend this training, as it is extremely important to deliver compassionate healthcare for people of determination when going to doctor appointments.

Dr. Nicholas Johnson

There are significant challenges and opportunities in the diagnosis and management of individuals with rare diseases. The MENA congress for rare diseases provides an important platform to share information across rare diseases. In the muscular dystrophies, we are particularly excited for the development of gene replacement therapies in these conditions, providing hope for the future.

Mr. Rifaat R. Rawashdeh

It is a true pleasure to be participating in the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. This high impact annual meeting is an exceptional opportunity and a platform for networking and for the experts in the field to share their experiences. As a genetic counselor, I’m thrilled to know that this year’s meeting will have a dedicated genetic counseling pre-congress side meeting. This initiative is essential in highlighting the role of genetic counseling and to promote the profession which is becoming more and more an integral part of main stream healthcare.

Dr. Amel Hamdi

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases stands as a crucial and highly consequential event within the sphere of rare diseases. Its overarching goal is to convene a cadre of experts wielding specialized knowledge, thereby injecting unique insights into the challenges and advancements associated with rare blood disorders. This collective effort

significantly enhances the overall depth and diversity of the discussions. This assembly serves as a hub, bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders committed to advancing the understanding and treatment of rare diseases within the MENA region. They form a dedicated community focused on driving progress in the comprehension and management of these rare diseases. It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I embrace the opportunity to partake in this transformative journey. This congress serves as a dynamic platform for fostering connections, igniting innovation, and propelling substantive progress in the field of rare diseases. Through collaboration and shared expertise, we aspire to make meaningful strides that resonate beyond the confines of this event, positively impacting the landscape of rare disease research and treatment.

Dr. Haneesha Pinnamaraju

I am honoured to be a part of the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. This event brings together experts, researchers, and advocates dedicated to advancing the understanding and treatment of rare diseases. I look forward to sharing insights on neurodevelopmental and behavioral aspects, contributing to the collective effort to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by these conditions.

Look forward to meeting you all and celebrating each one’s uniqueness!

Prof. Loai Eid

MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is a big campaign and a great opportunity for all physicians to know about the rare diseases and the most updated knowledge in the field, which will increase the awareness among them and early referral for specialized physicians

Dr. Souad Messahel

Elpida Therapeutics represents an ambitious commitment to developing novel gene therapies to address the unmet medical needs of children with rare diseases. Our diversified approach focuses on delivering AAV/transgene vectors for onetime gene therapy to patients. Our partners merge expertise in bench neuroscience, virology and immunology with clinical expertise in Pediatric Neurology with backgrounds in neuroimmunology, developmental delay, mitochondrial diseases, and rare neurological disease. As such, our success is a result of our ability to translate laboratory discoveries into advances in patient care. Partnering with MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is paramount to advancing these therapies in the region. We hope to develop strong collaborations and lasting relationships with the middles east rare disease community

Ms. Laura Laugier

When I attended the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases last year, I appreciated the opportunity to listen to many industry professionals. I also saw the need for parents to share their experiences on this platform. This year, I am privileged to raise awareness of rare diseases and how they might relate to autism - from my own case study - my son. Never before have I experienced such an opportunity to share the stage with another parent and specialist pediatric professionals. I hope that medical professionals, advocates and families take this opportunity to come to ask their questions at this special session.

Ms. Sue Baker

The Global Nursing Network Rare Diseases (GNNRD) was formed in March 2023 bringing together nurses from across the globe to build capacity through connectedness, awareness, leadership and advocacy. I am delighted to be invited to host the 2nd GNNRD meeting at this important Congress to amplify the voice of nurses and improve the lives of people living with Rare Diseases. This Congress presents an invaluable opportunity to connect with delegates, cultivate essential relationships and forge collaborations, and I eagerly await the knowledge exchange and collaborative endeavours that will ensue.

Ms. Fatima Al Sakkaf

I want to thank for the tremendous work on the organization of the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases and the success of the event. This was one of the best organized regional congresses I have ever had, and it involved diverse topics and organizations.

Mrs. Hibat Omer

Embark on a transformative journey in genetic healthcare by attending the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases, where pioneers converge to share insights. Recognizing the crucial yet often overlooked role of genetic counseling in our healthcare system, the Genomics Hub Ltd emerges as a groundbreaking online platform. As the first of its kind, Genomics Hub addresses the unmet needs, providing a comprehensive and accessible approach to genetic counseling. Explore this innovative initiative and join the conversation at the forefront of genetic healthcare advancement at the MENA Congress for Rare Disease.

Dr. Muna Al Saffar

Scientific forum about rare and orphan genetic conditions like the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is one of the dynamic regional forces to enhance genetic and genomic knowledge among the professional health community. Such organized efforts are aligned with the National UAE strategic health policy towards enhanced genetic and genomic literacy, recognizing the important role of genetic counseling, and highlighting the significance of the genetic research in addition to uniting the patient’s advocates under one roof.

Prof. Eman Gaad

I am delighted to take part in this important event that will gather stakeholders and scientist from round the world to examine the effect of disease on the lives of those affected. As a professor of inclusive and education, and on behalf of the British University in Dubai, I am so looking forward to sharing knowledge and previous experiences in supporting improving the quality of life of people with rare diseases.

Mr. Terry Pirovolakis

As the number of diagnosed patients continues to rise in the region, it has become increasingly imperative to guarantee the accessibility of life-altering treatments for patients in world-class medical facilities situated in close proximity to their families. Together, we have the potential to cultivate a global reality where one in every six children and their families are spared the disheartening revelation that nothing can be done or that a particular treatment is exclusively available in North America and beyond their reach. The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases serves as a platform that brings together esteemed global experts, fostering innovative thinking and collaborative efforts to ensure that these transformative treatments and cures are extended to patients in need, irrespective of their geographical location. By transcending conventional boundaries, Elpida Therapeutics aim to create a world where medical solutions are universally accessible, offering hope and healing to families around the globe.

Dr. Amer Al Ani​

It gives me a great pleasure to participate in this year's MENA Congress for Rare Diseases. As a surgeon, I will highlight in my presentation the surgical complications encountered in Alkaptonuria patients that require intervention. Specifically, I will focus on the management of intrahepatic, salivary, and renal stones. Addressing the surgical complications in Alkaptonuria patients is a crucial aspect of their overall management.

Ms. Nipa Bhuptani

Applied & Behavioral Training Institute is honored to be invited by the MENA Congress for Rare Disease to participate as a training provider. This gathering has proven to be an excellent opportunity for sharing knowledge, increasing awareness, and networking. Providing healthcare to patients with rare diseases can prove to be daunting; and the Unified Healthcare Providers Training workshop, conducted by us in partnership with Special Olympics UAE, will empower medical professionals to provide compassionate healthcare to people of determination. It will give the attendees the opportunity to participate free of charge and earn certificates as well as CMEs. The MENA Congress for RARE Diseases is one of the best events with a varied attendance of medical professionals, academic researchers, policy makers, and community leaders. This event is well curated and professionally executed.

Prof. Mohamad Miqdady

Taking care of patients with rare diseases present an immense challenge to the healthcare providers; the key to successfully managing these thought-provoking patients is a multi-disciplinary team approach.

From my previous attendance of the rare diseases annual meetings, this provides an outstanding and an excellent platform to learn from experts in different several medical arenas and an ample opportunity to network with experts in the field that will help us managing these patients.

Dr. Maryam Amirrad

MENA region has a high burden of rare and genetic disorders. There are various efforts by different stakeholders to increase awareness in this field. MENA Congress for Rare Diseases provides a platform for raising awareness of rare and genetic disorders among various health professionals. It also allows collaboration between different regional countries, paving the way for future impactful research.

Ms. Aster Lynn Sur

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is a gathering of all rare disease health practitioners and advocates from all over the world. As a frontline advocate for the rights of Filipino rare disease patients for decades, the Institute of Human Genetics is confronted with many challenges, and the conference is a venue for us to learn from speakers and participants the best practices and strategies in overcoming obstacles in taking care of patients with rare diseases. We hope to use this platform to share the Philippine experience in taking care of patients in both the clinical and community setting. Similarly, the conference is also an opportunity to network with agencies, organizations and support groups working for the comprehensive long term care of patients. This gathering will not only serve as an opportunity for learning but a moment of hope to strengthen the global network for rare diseases.

Mrs. Karen Kehdy

It was a genuine honor to participate in last year's MENA Congress for Rare Disease. The event proved to be a tremendous success, effectively bridging the gap between patients, healthcare professionals, and experts across various sectors. Such gatherings play a pivotal role in nurturing an inclusive society and fostering greater awareness about rare diseases. The event's impeccable organization and the relevance of its topics were truly commendable, contributing significantly to the advancement of understanding and collaboration within the field.

Prof. Tawfeg Ben-Omran

The MENA Congress for Rare Diseases is the largest genetics, metabolic, and genomics meeting in the region. It provides a wide variety of symposia, workshops, and lectures, discussing the latest ground-breaking discoveries and cutting-edge science in all areas of clinical and metabolic genetics. It also offers new collaboration, opportunities, and networking events among leaders in patient care, research, and other professionals from the region and internationally.

Prof. Mahir Al-Hilali

It was an honor to have participated in last year's MENA Congress for Rare Disease. The multidisciplinary scientific event was an effective platform for linking patients, care providers, doctors, nurses and other experts in the management of rare diseases across various patients care organizations. The event was successful in highlighting the impact of rare disease prevalence and exchanging knowledge and expertise in the management of those disease to the benefits of patients and families. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of rare diseases with analysis of the impact and plan of change in care were presented adding to the value of the congress as an important regional venue for improving healthcare. It is a genuine honor and pleasure to participate in this year congress to provide an update on the impact of metagenomics on the management of rare diseases

Ms. Tessa Diaczun

The Global Nursing Network Rare Diseases (GNNRD) was formed in March 2023 bringing together nurses from across the globe to build capacity through connectedness, awareness, leadership and advocacy. I am excited to participate at the 2nd GNNRD meeting that will be conducted at the MENA Congress for Rare Disease. This meeting will provide an opportunity for participants to connect and co-design the framework for the GNNRD.


Congratulations to the Abstract Winners


Dr. Geethanjali Devadoss Gandhi

Dr. Geethanjali Devadoss GandhiQA

Post-doc, Laboratory of Genomic Medicine, Sidra Medicine, Doha, Qatar


Dr. Kuldeep Singh

Dr. Kuldeep SinghUS

Head of Pathology, Wave Life Sciences, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA


Dr. Isidro Arévalo Vargas

Dr. Isidro Arévalo VargasES

Student, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Fundación Española para el Estudio y Terapéutica de la Enfermedad de Gaucher (FEETEG), and Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IISA), Zaragoza, Spain.


Dr. Douglas M. Sproule

Dr. Douglas M. SprouleUS

Chief Medical Officer, ML Bio Solutions, Palo Alto, California, USA


Dr. Lama Bani Salameh

Dr. Lama Bani SalamehJO

Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan


Prof. Rodrigo Pinheiro Araldi

Prof. Rodrigo Pinheiro AraldiBR

Founder & Scientific Director, BioDecision Analytics Ltda; and Professor of Molecular Biology, Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Dr. Chiara Cimmaruta

Dr. Chiara CimmarutaFR

Postdoctoral Fellow, Molecular Mechanisms of Pathological and Physiological Ageing, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France


Professor Ayman El-Hattab

Professor Ayman El-Hattab


Chairman, MENA Congress for Rare Diseases

Founder & President, MENA Organization for Rare Diseases

Professor, College of Medicine, University of Sharjah

Consultant Clinical Genetics at University Hospital Sharjah, Kanad Hospital, and Genesis Healthcare Center, UAE

A disease is considered rare if it has a prevalence of less than 1 in 2000. It is estimated that there are more than 10,000 different rare diseases. Although they are uncommon individually, collectively they affect more than 5% of the population. Unfortunately, only 5% of rare diseases have available therapies.

The Middle East and North African (MENA) region includes more than 20 countries with an area of 15 million square kilometers and more than 600 million population. This region shares genetic and cultural factors causing higher prevalence of rare diseases such the common practices of large family size, advanced maternal and paternal age at conception, and high consanguinity rates. People with rare diseases in the MENA region face significant challenges including limited knowledge about their diseases, a long diagnostic journey, inadequate clinical management and support, and poor access to clinical trials and novel therapies.

MENA Congress for Rare Diseases in partnership with Burjeel Medical City is taking place in Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates from 16 to 19 May 2024. This conference, which is the largest event for rare diseases in the region, lasts for 4 days during which more than 140 speakers, including more than 50 international experts from more than 20 different countries, will give the most up to date knowledge in various fields related to rare disease including diagnostics, therapeutics, research, achievements, challenges, and opportunities. The congress has received high-quality scientific abstracts related to different aspects of rare diseases. The top 7 abstracts have been assigned for oral presentations and others have been assigned to be presented as posters.

We are pleased to have Burjeel Medical City (BMC) as our meeting partner. BMC is a 400-bed multispecialty hospital and quaternary care center located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It is the region’s complex care hub with over 60 adult and pediatric specialties, aided by state-of-the-art medical technology and an international team of experts. The 1.2 million-square-foot hospital is a flagship facility under the Burjeel Holdings umbrella. It is renowned for key specialties including oncology, hematology, bone marrow transplantation, neurosurgery, multi-organ transplantation, advanced orthopedic surgery, pediatric subspecialties, fetal medicine, nuclear medicine, and advanced gynecology. The hospital is the first to receive ESMO accreditation as an Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care Center. It is also home to the Center for Research on Rare Blood Disorders (CR-RBD), one of the region’s leading research hubs with a global portfolio of high impact publications, international guidelines, and various observational studies and clinical trials of novel therapeutics designed to improve the outcomes of patients with rare blood disorders (

This conference is a unique platform that brings all stakeholders involved in rare diseases to one place to obtain the most updated knowledge, exchange experience, advance research, establish networks, and explore collaborative opportunities aiming ultimately to provide better care for individuals with rare diseases.

We look forward to seeing you among us at the MENA Congress for Rare Diseases.



  • Utility of artificial intelligence in rare diseases

  • Recent research in the field of rare diseases

  • Regional experience and achievements in rare diseases

  • Challenges and opportunities in rare diseases

  • New therapies for rare disease

  • Updates on diagnostics for rare diseases

  • Latest advancements in rare diseases

  • Medical and surgical management for rare diseases

  • Innovative rehabilitative therapies for rare diseases

  • Psychological support for rare diseases

  • Genetic counseling

  • Access to orphan drugs

  • Insurance coverage for rare diseases

  • Registries for rare diseases

  • Autism and rare diseases

  • Rare diseases in neurology, cardiology, pulmonary, nephrology, ophthalmology, oncology, hematology, immunology, genetics, and metabolic

  • Specific rare diseases: Duchenne, Angelman, Huntington, alkaptonuria, and neuroimmune diseases

  • Training for medical professionals to provide compassionate healthcare to people of determination


Medical doctors from variable specialties and dentists

Medical doctors from variable specialties and dentists

Nurses, dietitians, therapists, and genetic counselors

Nurses, dietitians, therapists, and genetic counselors

Pharmacists and laboratory personnel

Pharmacists and laboratory personnel

Medical and medical sciences students

Medical and medical sciences students

Researchers, scientists, and educators

Researchers, scientists, and educators

Individuals with rare diseases and their families

Individuals with rare diseases and their families

Laboratories and pharmaceutical companies

Laboratories and pharmaceutical companies

Clinics and hospitals

Clinics and hospitals

Academic institutions

Academic institutions

Community services

Community services

Support and advocacy groups

Support and advocacy groups



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